BELLIS ACUPUNCTURE Windsor Ontario Acupuncture | Paul Bellis Acupuncture

Our Approach to Acupuncture


Through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Paul frames a diagnosis within the context of the person’s individual constitution and health history as well as their primary concerns and symptoms.

His treatment approach is to use acupuncture to assist the body's innate ability to adapt appropriately to the internal and external stresses encountered in the course of living life. Whether that stress is low back pain from an injury playing basketball, low back pain from extended hours sitting in a chair working on a computer, or something else, Paul will consider all of the information available for a specific diagnosis and treatment plan that will best reduce pain. Paul acknowledges the healing potential within all of us and has found Chinese Medicine to provide many excellent tools to tap into that essential potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does acupuncture treat?  

The best way to understand acupuncture is as a treatment method used to treat the individual, not the symptom. That said, acupuncture can be an effective treatment for many kinds of conditions, both acute and chronic.. The World Health Organization published a review of controlled clinical trials of acupuncture last updated in 2012. in effort to strengthen understanding and appropriate use of acupuncture in healthcare systems around the world. A summarized list of common conditions for which acupuncture is an effective modality of care follows.

Musculo-skeletal disorders

Lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, tennis elbow, knee joint pain, injuries, and muscular aches and pains.

Emotional and stress-related disorders:

Depression, insomnia

Gynecological disorders

Irregular, heavy or painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome.

Pregnancy-related complaints

Nausea, vomiting, morning sickness and labour pain.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea.

Respiratory disorders

Allergies, common colds, cough, sore throat.

Supportive therapy

for many chronic and debilitating disorders.

How does acupuncture work?  

The explanation of how acupuncture works begins with delving into the philosophical foundation of Classical Chinese Medicine. Within this philosophy, optimal health is best described as a balance within the dynamic circulation of Qi. Qi flows through the body via a network of pathways called meridians and relates to and with the musculo-skeletal system, organ systems, as well as emotions and mind. The circulation of Qi is also effected by external influences such as environment, climate, seasons, and one's immediate surroundings. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles to facilitate a balanced flow of Qi.

Is acupuncture safe?  

Standard practice for licensed acupuncturists today is to use sterile disposable needles. Acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel, pre-sterilized and packaged. Needles are for a one-time use only and disposed in a biohazard container after each treatment.

What does acupuncture feel like?   

Acupuncture is considered safe if performed properly by a thoroughly trained practitioner. Acupuncture needles are typically very fine, and the insertion of acupuncture needles is usually quite painless. In some cases, the needle insertion will go unnoticed, while other times you may feel a quick small pinch. This may be followed by a dull or heavy sensation.  

How many treatments will I need?   

Frequency and amount of treatments depends on each individual's condition and constitution. Pain and discomfort can be alleviated rapidly with acupuncture and herbs. Acute problems tend to respond quickly. Chronic illnesses or injuries may require treatment for several weeks or longer. As with any form of health care, lifestyle, nutrition, attitude and commitment will affect the course and outcome of the treatment process as well. 

What should I do while receiving acupuncture?  

Simply relax. Acupuncture sessions offer a time to rest, open up to your body's own natural processes in healing, and restore balance. 

Is there anything I should know or do before receiving an acupuncture treatment?

Following are some general suggestions:

  • Ideally, wear comfortable and loose clothing. If needed, a drape will be provided for you.

  • Best not to drink coffee or caffeinated beverages immediately prior to your acupuncture treatment.

  • As far as food goes, you want to have something to eat before you come in but you will be more comfortable if you are not overly full. Good idea to have a snack or light meal within the past few hours prior to an acupuncture treatment. 

How much time should I plan for my appointment?  

Needles usually remain in place for 10 to 40 minutes. Plan for a longer consultation time at your first visit. Typically you will want to set aside an hour and a half for your first appointment with Paul Bellis and an hour for follow-up appointments. 

Does insurance cover acupuncture?   

Many insurance companies now provide coverage for part or all of the cost of acupuncture treatments. Coverage depends on the insurance company and policy. You will need to contact your insurance company to find out what coverage you have and if there are any limitations. If your plan does cover acupuncture, Bellis Acupuncture is able to provide online billing for you with most supplementary insurance companies. Please remember, when it comes to insurance coverage, the contract is between you and the insurance company. If the insurance company does not render payment, you will be responsible for payment of amount owed for services rendered. 

How do I schedule an appointment?

Paul is currently practicing at Leap Physiotherapy. This office welcomes new patients and will do our best to accommodate your needs. To schedule an appointment, please click on the link below. If you have any questions, Paul can be reached directly at 226.506.7633


Hello, I’m Paul Bellis…

I realize many people are wary about the idea of acupuncture and have doubts about its efficacy. When I was younger, I had my doubts as well. Through some eye-opening personal experiences, I discovered the many benefits of acupuncture and quickly began studying Chinese Medicine. Over the past 24 years in practice, I have witnessed the power of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to transform people’s health, enrich lives, and inspire much needed changes. I have worked with people from all walks of life; musicians, athletes, celebrity entertainers, food service workers, store clerks, teachers and laborers in various fields – with goals of recovering from injuries or illness or maximizing performances.

Returning to my hometown of Windsor after 40 years absence in California and Oregon has been both a comfortingly familiar and a dizzying new experience, to say the least. Many changes have happened in this town; we’ve lost some gems like Tunnel Barbecue and we’ve gained some gems as well. It is nice to see a growing community of practitioners in all fields of integrative medicine thriving here in Windsor. I could not be more thankful for the new twist in my life journey bringing me back to Windsor and I look forward to sharing this 4000 year old medicine with you.


Degrees, Certifications, Registrations and Licenses to Practice

Paul is registered and in good standing with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario.  He is also registered and in good standing with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs in Michigan.  After 4 years of Study at Yo San University, Paul graduated with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1999.  Also in 1999, Paul obtained certification through the National Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, which he continues to maintain in good standing.  Paul has maintained his license through the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners (currently locum tenens status) since 2000.  He also holds his license with the Acupuncture Board of California (currently in inactive status), since 2000.


Practice Experience

In addition to the past 25 years of private practice, Paul spent a number of years volunteering acupuncture services at Outside in, a nonprofit health and youth resource center in Portland, Oregon.  Paul also worked for several years at the Pearl Health Center, a collaborative and integrative clinic that offers a combination of multidisciplinary health care approaches under one roof. Ever appreciating the value of education in passing on the knowledge and the art of practicing acupuncture, he worked as a clinic supervisor in the Classical Chinese Medicine program at National University of Natural Medicine. 

Paul has acquired a gracious understanding of the time-tested wealth of knowledge Chinese Medicine has to offer and is committed to learn and grow to best enhance his skills as a Registered Acupuncturist.  Back home here in Windsor, Paul is pleased to be practicing at Leap Physiotherapy. To schedule an appointment or ask any questions, please visit the contact page.

Contact Us

To contact Paul directly with any questions, please call 226-506-7633 or complete and submit this contact form. For scheduling, you are welcome to book online.

Now practicing at Leap Physiotherapy!
4900 Wyandotte St. E.
Windsor, ON N8Y 1H7

For correspondence about acupuncture: